Marek Niedojadło-Cichoński

The introduction to 1996 Catalogue

Leszek Misiak

I have been observing the artistic development of Marek Niedojadło since he began the studies in the Department of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków. From the very beginning his painting was associated with the Polish Colourism. This relation was however rather loose. Free of being a doctrinaire of Capists he has developed with great facility his painting, basing it in superior value of colour. Today he belongs to the most reputed painters associated with the City of Tarnów.

Realisation of painting is preceded by emotion, resulting from the experience of the Nature. According to the Author this sate of exaltation necessary for painting must be subjected to filtration and condensation. Realisation of the painting vision needs, in his opinion, mastering the impulses from the Nature. The artist has developed his own way of painting, very consequently and with perseverance. This method is based on the abstractive rule of arrangements of the elements in the painting. He was not attracted by purely abstractive painting. I think however that he applies the experiences of this artistic trend. It may be clearly seen in the series of landscapes presented in the exhibition. These painting, inspired with definite motives are subjected to various procedures of purification. Fortunately, the Author is able to avoid the monotony of solutions, due to a great freedom of using colour. We may be disappointed only with the excessive use of the white colour in the background, always related to the painting substance of the picture. In search of different solutions the painter is contracting or expanding the colouristic scale. He is able to build the space with colour and find a balance in distribution of bright and dark masses, in some paintings easily, in the others – with difficulty.

The painting art of Marek Niedojadło is based on hedonistic satisfactions. No doubts, that the in born painting intuition will allow to continue this type of painting.